Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! I am here to expose another tactic of Satan who has a powerful stronghold on this world. In case you don’t know, he is the god of this world. (2Corinthians 4:4) 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. He is called the god of this world because of the strong demonic influence he has over non believers. If anyone has any trouble comprehending this passage in the word of God then I will list some examples of the results from Satan’s strong influence over the world.
1.) Murders: Every since the first murder resulting in
Abel being killed by his brother Cain, murder has been on the surge. Cold
blooded murderers without love in their hearts. Just last Sunday morning here
in Los Angeles, a Metro bus driver stopped to pick up a passenger. The bus
pulled off from the stop with the one passenger aboard. Just after the bus
driver pulled off, the lone passenger opened up his suitcase, pulled out a
shotgun aiming it at the bus driver and blows him away. He has left behind a
wife and 3 children.
2.) Drugs: We all know that drugs have been a major
problem of this world for so long. Using and selling drugs can and will result
in death. It destroys lives, families, friends, impairs your thinking
abilities. It gets so bad that when everyone around you can see that it’s
destroying you, you still don’t see it because the god of this world has your brain
3.) Teens
getting high: More and more these days I hear and read
about teenagers getting high. They took high to whole new level without the use
of drugs. We should remember when teens were getting high off of sniffing paint
right? They even went through a phase of getting high by holding their breath
until they pass out! Now they are chocking each other for a whole new high!
4.) HOMOSEXUALITY: BI-SEXUAL, TRI-SEXUAL, and much, much more.
The god of this world has many people trapped under the great Stronghold
of Satan with more and more people all over this planet excepting this
homosexual lifestyle including so called Christians! Now let me be clear here?
I love all of those who claim to be homosexual! I personally know some of them
and what I’ve come to learn is that they are some of the most loving and caring
people. I don’t have a problem with the people but I do have a problem with the
homosexual lifestyle that they choose to live. The crazy thing is whenever
someone speaks against that lifestyle then someone wants to cry hate! It is not
hatred at all but correction, bible truth and love when it is coming from
someone with a pure heart.
I have a problem with homosexuals counterfeiting God’s rainbow
(covenant/promise to Noah). They use the rainbow that God created to symbolize
their sinful pride. Proverbs
11:2 When pride comes,
then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. Let’s look back at the
covenant God made with Noah after the great worldwide flood.
Genesis 9:12-17
12 And God
said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and
every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I
have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the
rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and
you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become
a flood to destroy all life.16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I
will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living
creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God
said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me
and all life on the earth.”
That is what the
rainbow truly symbolizes; the promise God made to Noah that He would never
bring a great flood like that again. Some people don’t even believe that there
was ever a great flood of this magnitude. They do believe in this current world
system of sin.
In the last 12 years there have been many popular name people coming out
to the public professing their homosexuality. I remember when a popular person
would come out; it would be such a mouth dropping shocker but not anymore. The
more big name celebs that come out of the closet so called, the more people
think it’s ok and accepting. That makes other people who are struggling with
homosexuality to justify and accept that lifestyle. I love them with the love
of Christ but I really wish they would find God because He can heal them. They
are looking for approval from this world. Yet again if someone speaks against
that lifestyle then people cry hate!!!
The battle of same-sex marriages is still ongoing here in the dramatic
year of 2012. I believe that at least 6 states perform same-sex marriages. What
use to be a shocker isn’t any more due to this world accepting just about every
sin? Hollywood and the rest of the good ole world are backing up same sex
couples who want to be together and get married. We all know that not too long
ago our president came out and said he is behind same-sex marriages?! That was
old news. Now I did not vote for president Obama and I’m a BLACK AMERICAN! Yes
ladies and gentlemen of the BLACK AMERICAN RACE, I DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA. The
funny thing to me is that people assume that due to the fact that I didn’t vote
for this black president then I don’t like him! Well you are totally wrong. I
actually like our president and really think he is a good man with a very
beautiful family. Why didn’t you vote for him Todd you may ask? I did not vote
for the president because he doesn’t stand on the word of God! I told other
Christians this same thing but was not trying to hear it! They are so concerned
with the economy. Many people were running to the polls to be a part of history
by voting for the first black president believing that he was going to turn the
economy around and send them a STIMULUS CHECK in the mail. I know of some folks
that after 3 years finally realized that Obama wasn’t going to send that
STIMULUS CHECK after all. He can’t turn the economy around because we are still
trillions of dollars in debt and he is not superman. Many people were voting
for the wrong reasons and shame on some of these Christian claimers. I will
never forget when this black man asked me, “MAN WHY DIDN’T YOU VOTE FOR
OBAMA?!” I replied with a question of my own, “Bobby why DID you vote for him?”
Bobby replied and said, “BECAUSE HE’S BLACK!” He wasn’t the only one who voted
because of skin color! Many people were climbing on top of Detroit city buses
acting like the devil by jumping up and down. What really bothers me about many
of these so-called Christian claimers is that they claim that they stand by God
with trusting and faith but if they did then they wouldn’t put more faith in
the president than of God! Just in case one Christian claimer out of the
thousands that read this decides to quote the scripture telling me that God has
placed those that are in authority like the president, then I would say you’re
Romans 13:1
Let every
person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority
except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
God may have
placed these people in authority but He didn’t intend for people to make
decisions that go totally against His word. Just like the corrupt city council
in Bell, California abusing their power with stealing millions of the tax
payer’s dollars! When God places us in different positions He expects us to
perform the job right and not abuse our authority with totally misrepresenting
God. My question is for you Christians who have been saved for many years you
say; where is your true faith in God? Where is your faith in the Yeshua our
Lord? I tried to tell Christians and so did other true living Christians tried
to tell the public via radio and TV that Obama does not stand for God. He said
in the very beginning that he was for same-sex marriages but Christians didn’t
care. Obama came out in 2011 in support of abortions with the whole Roe vs Wade
issue but many so-called Christians didn’t care because all they knew was that
they have a black president. Let’s look at this example: If Google corporation
was to hire you, they would expect you to represent the company to the greatest
extent. Google would not expect you to speak out against their company in
support of something that goes against their practice and policies, right? The
same for my Father in heaven and earth, God the father of Abraham, Jacob, and
Isaac. If you take sins such as murder, fornication, adultery and stealing,
those are all the same. They are sins but the world treats them like some are
greater than others. If you commit fornication or adultery the world won’t do a
thing about it. If you kill or steal then the law will be ready to prosecute
you to the fullest extent of the law. All sins are the same expect blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit. Mark
3:29 but whoever blasphemes against
the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” Here is what the Word of God has to
say about homosexuality.
1 Corinthians
9 Or do you
not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be
deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men
who practice homosexuality,
Now people will
read the entire scripture I have above but will go off because of the
homosexuality part at the end. They won’t see anything else in this scripture
but that. They will go right pass the part that mentions “Idolaters”, “Adulterers”, and the sexual
Leviticus 18:22
22 You shall
not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
When someone like
the president with his power made his support for same-sex marriages known to
the public then that made more of this world feel it is ok to be gay and marry
their partner. That is what I call being under that Stronghold of Satan. He is
turning sin into good, and good into bad. Here comes the NAACP with their
public support of same-sex marriages!
1 Corinthians
2 But
because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own
wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife her
conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband.
I pray that people
would get it for once and that they would allow God to open up their eyes to
see what is behind this mess. It is so sad when same-sex couples want to adopt
children into their relationship. Please leave the children out of this
lifestyle. Don’t teach them that mess while they're only children. You will have
to answer to God. You know the God that created you.
I’ve listen to
many homosexuals say that either they were born that way or it came on during
early childhood. I say that is a demonic spirit. There are a lot of people who feel
like killing someone because of the temptation coming from Satan but for most
of us we fight it and don’t give in. If we do give in then our life is over and
prison here we come. Many men and women get homosexual desires early on and
because having a relationship with Christ wasn’t taught or established they
give in to their sexual desires. This world is so screwed up that if the man or
woman (heterosexual) is having strong desires, temptations to lived out a
sexual fantasy with someone else outside of the marriage then it would be a big
deal, a major problem. They will feel that something isn’t right with their
spouse to have strong desires for someone else. They would feel bad and demand
that those desires need to leave because it’s wrong. When a man has sexual
desires for another man then you don’t hear the world saying stop you shouldn’t
have those desires because it’s wrong.
Thanks for reading
this blog. Let’s continue to pray and love the sinner, the homosexuals, the
fornicators, and all those who are living an ungodly lifestyle.
I agree with you Todd! What you just blog about is showing me another sign that we are in the last days before Christ comes. Isaiah 5:20 comes to mind. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness before light, and light before darkness; that put bitter before sweet, and sweet before bitter!!!
ReplyDeletethats what happen to me doggone i dont know what blasemey means i was told i did that coward and stuck in the flesh which i been against up to year i was angry but no i cant be without it i am now addicted to it i had it since 20 years because of cheaters
DeleteI'm sorry but I cannot understand your comment. Please put it into proper English so I can understand you better? Thanks and God bless you
DeleteYes we are in the last of the last days. We must be ready with open eyes and a open heart...
ReplyDeleteThis is true -- truth is anything that is stated in the word of God of course! Even if we 'don't believe' in God or the Bible, that doesn't mean that what is written in the Word is untrue nor does it mean that God is not real -- some people use that as an excuse to sin -- not just in acting on there homosexual feelings, but any other sin that is known to man. I feel bad for those living the homosexual lifestyle because they have been duped by Satan -- they are on a constant quest for love and acceptance and equality but this only comes from being in Yeshua since His death, burial and resurrection solved ALL of our sins, iniquities, infirmities, hurt, pain -- EVERYTHING. We must first recognize our sins -- no matter how they make us feel -- and only after we tell God we are sorry and invite Him into our lives will we get that love, acceptance and favor we long for. Satan really lays it on thick with homosexuality because it can be such a strong feeling towards another person (a perversion of what love should be) that people think "well how can it be wrong -- as long as they 'love' each other then it's okay". But as your title suggests, this is a counterfeit of what God intended.
ReplyDeleteYes Latasha that is right! Satan has many people blind sided and it's sad! People often think that if the world accepts their sin then that makes it okay to live out that sin. God is warning people. We have to just love everyone as Christ loves us...
DeleteIf a homosexual says that they "are born that way" then I say that is absolutely correct! Homosexuality is a sin just like many many other things and we are ALL born into and quilty of sin. Only a relationship with Christ can free us from any type of sin that we may be struggling with in our lives.
ReplyDeleteHi Kim and thanks for posting. I do agree that we are all born into sin and so because of that God sent his son Yeshua Jesus to die for our sins. As far as your comment about "being born that way" statement is absolutely correct, I would have to totally disagree. If you say that a person was born a homosexual than you just as well should say that another person was born a murderer which is incorrect. Why? God does not create homosexuals, murderers, fornicators etc, but that is a lifestyle that we choose to live. Those things I just mentioned are all ungodly acts. Why would God create those things but to turn around and judge against us for those very same things? That is not how God is. Satan has created those things not God. Seeing how God knows that he tells us in his word to stay away from those things which is sin. We can't mistaken being born into sin with just being born that way. God creates us humans but he doesn't create sin. We have a right to act on our fleshly desires but we must think about what the word of God says about sin. Satan will put all types of garbage in our head to deceive us to thinking just because we feel like killing someone or feel those homosexual urges then we think hey I must be a homosexual so let me give in to my weak flesh and carry out my desires. Matthew 26:41 "Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!" So everything else you said I do agree with...