I recently deleted some things off my blog and + page due to some that are weak in the flesh. What you should have learned about me by now is that I speak the truth. The whole truth and hate sugar coating. I take a different approach to blogging and telling people about my experiences from the past. I go into the first person which is myself and tell about feelings, emotions, my thinking at the time with adding a twist. I tell about things that I know you can relate to. I do all that to try and make a point. Here's the thing. Some of you sit and watch porn, demonic TV including the soaps, Empire, Scandal, the movies like "Magic Mike" and lust after the actors thinking of things that you should not be thinking. Some of you go to church on Sundays but are not growing in the word of God. When you read my blog and hear the things I talk about, you all of a sudden turn holy! You start judging me on what I post. I also make YouTube videos on many subjects but when you see a video about president Obama, you get bent out of shape and some of you don't even want to watch it because you don't like to hear anything bad about your president. You know Obama the same one who has a stake in planned parenthood. The same person who is for abortions. The same person who is pushing homosexuality and the same person who is dictating to our public schools telling them that our beautiful children can use any bathroom they want. If schools don't comply, he will withhold funding for the schools. I told people back in 2008 what he stood for but they didn't listen to me. You still really believe that one party is better than the other? If that was true then why is this country in such bad shape?
Let me remind you that my blogs and videos aren't designed to make friends and certainly not designed to be a people pleaser. It is designed to try and open your eyes to realistic reality. Do you really think I enjoy putting things about my former life out there? Do you know how emotional I get sometimes when I blog about certain things and personal experiences? I don't get paid for doing this and nor do I want to. I just want to be obedient to God. Some of you still curse, and are fornicating, gossiping about people at your jobs that made you mad and are unforgiving. So I have a blog where I'm speaking the truth and so called Christians have a problem. If you want to unfollow me or unjoin my blog, that's okay. Why? Is because as long as one soul comes to the Lord then I'm happy. But I am happy because many people have come to the Lord since I've been blogging and that's all that matters. If I keep my mouth shut and don't share with you what I know God wants me to talk about then I have to answer to Him. I've been where you're at. I've fornicated many, many, many, many times! I've been homeless! I went up in the crack house back in the Detroit being with this young lady I had no business being with but I sat there and watched her smoke crack cocaine! The Lord had his hand of protection on me because the people that let us in had guns, drugs and I could of been killed, arrested or who knows what could of happen to me.
You see I could just be disobedient to the Lord and just lay around eating chicken or just go get in the bed with my beautiful wife and not tell you what you need to know. Many of you don't know what I've been through and how the Lord has brought me out. You don't know my many past struggles and fights with demons. You don't know how a car accident has impacted my spiritual life. You don't know how my experience into hell face to face with the demons has scared me straight! I've seen angels, demons and just several weeks ago while I was sleep, I was attacked by a group of demons who transformed themselves into humans. They were biting and clawing me and were so angry at me. I went head up face to face with one of the demons and looked right into his reptile like eyes and said JESUS! He said I don't want to hear about your &$%#ing Jesus. I said it two more times right in his face and then he vanished!
I am on fire for the Lord and that's how it's going to be. He has given me the power through him to deliver demons out of people. He has given me the gift of strong discernment. I've worked in the deliverance ministry and I'm not afraid of any demon because I will pray through the power of the Holy Spirit, that demon right out of you.
Many of you read my post "Sex Dreams" but fail to read other post which will help in other areas of your life. Before you read my blog or any other blog, pray! Remember while you are watching demonic TV, demonic powers and spirits are coming through the television into your body and into your mind. Have you ever lusted while watching TV? Well there's your proof right there.