Hello again to all my readers from around this great globe. When you read these blog post, please think about your own life and ask yourselves questions. Be honest with yourself and see if you need to make any changes to better your life. You should know me by now in regards to me being upfront and honest and don't like to sugar coat anything. I can't sit around and pretend that this world is cool and that everything is good when its not. I also refuse to compromise my walk with Christ just to keep my friend base. We all need to be aware of what is going on in this world that's all around us. Some of us are still teeter-tottering meaning when are going back and forth with Christ and the world. We're too fearful regarding speaking out against all those sins that the world is trying to make legal. Many of us think that we are doing a great service for the Lord but when in fact we are not. We are still holding hatred, grudges, dislikes, and much more against others and it needs to stop. We are still supporting Satan's work. It's sad because there are still people who claim Christianity as their faith but are still following the world. The world is always going to be the world but some of you will break your neck just to catch the Grammy's on TV getting so excited when these people who don't love God accept the Grammy award and give God thanks when it was Satan using your gift from God to work for Satan, so that you can help him bring more and more souls to hell! This is just one example of having a Zombie State of Mind!
ZOMBIE STATE OF MIND- You are out driving on a Friday night and it's payday for many people! Everyone is so excited to the point where they're acting a complete nut. They are speeding more than usual with cutting in and out of traffic! Windows are down and if you notice them, there's that look they give. They have a conceited nose lifting arrogance about them! Music is blasting with them dancing behind the wheel. You can also hear in some cases all the cursing coming out of their mouth and I hate hearing females curse because it's not cute so you women with the foul language, stop! The light turns green then they speed off nearly burning rubber as if they are racing to the hospital to drop off a near death patient! These people don't care because they will cut you off in traffic in a hot California second! You can still hear the music blasting but if you:re in tuned with your spirit and the Holy Father you can hear the demonic garbage zombie like music that was produced from the pits of hell. People are driving either it front of you or on the side but you notice they are drifting off into your lane. If in front of you they are driving in two lanes with braking for no reason. As you pass the car you noticed that the driver is more focused on texting than driving! Their focus is not there at all. Driving all over the roads with no regards to others and at all. When they are in the wrong you will get that demonic finger from the devil! Here in Los Angeles I was crossing a side street with my family when this young lady that was driving almost hit us not paying any attention. I turned around and looked at her but she gave me the demonic finger and speed off.
People are in such a big hurry that after you've been sitting in the turn lane in the middle of the intersection for your arrow to turn green, you have people still running the red light, car after car. Then your green arrow is gone. Many inconsiderate drivers! Just about everyone is doing the same thing. Acting crazy, driving crazy, blasting demonic music that was remixed in hell! All that they are thinking about is worldly garbage. They are in another zone what I call being in a zombie state of mind.
Let's talk about Pot or Marijuana or is it weed? Have you ever payed any attention to people smoking that stuff? Their eyes turns into the devil's eyes with that glazed reddish color. Smoke darting out of their mouth and nostrils like smoke is coming out of the pit of hell! They look totally zoned out! It's like their mind is gone. They are in a zombie state of mind!
Here we go talking about music again. I see many people out here standing on street corners or just walking period with a set of headphones on listening to music. Some where that skull candy head phones. Anyway I will watch them with observing their facial expression and body language. What I always notice is that they are totally zoned out somewhere. Their head is bouncing up and down or back and forth like they discovered a whole new me planet!
Now you have the people who just don't care about life. They don't obey all of the laws but they are very selfish people who are me lovers meaning lovers of themselves! (2 Timothy 3:2-5)
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
They have the attitude that every man is for himself and I need to get get get! They have no direction in life with no regards to rules. They jaywalk all day long but get very angry if the LAPD gives them a ticket but isn't it illegal to jaywalk in LA? Then there are some of you that illegally park but when slapped with a large ticket, you're ready to curse someone out! Really!? It's always everyone's fault but yours!
Every so often Hollywood finds some celebrity to praise. They praised Angelina Jolie for years then praised Jenifer Lopez for years. Now beyonce! They are always talking about her in what seems like every sentence. Now I just found out that Reuters University has a Beyonce class!? Are you serious? Justin Beiber! I've witness some of the longest lines wrapped all the around the Grove Mall in LA of young girls in line waiting to see J. Beave! If you just pay attention for once you will notice that the world is following the world! That is so sad to me. Even you Christian claimers are falling the world. If you want to follow the world then follow them in prayer! People are getting up on stage, on TV, YouTube or in public period acting nasty, filthy, ungodly, unholy, ripping their clothes off and women posting photos of several women 90 percent naked together while talking about how hot they look! They are not thinking about God but thinking about getting paid. Thinking about getting drunk, thinking about having sex and going out partying!
Clearly you have a ZOMBIE STATE OF MIND! Still trying to please God and the world but you're a fool if you think that is going to please God! You don't have a care in the world but to just live, party, hangout, work to make money and to have many lovers! I thank the Lord for delivering me from that zombie state of mind.
Please pay attention because Satan has you blinded! Your mind is all over the place with no clear direction or focus! You really think that you can just live like this and make it to heaven?? You think that being a good person that has never killed anyone will get you to heaven?? Do you really, really believe that????? Many of you are all over the place with your way of thinking. You support all ungodliness, and all unholiness! You support any and everything that is against God! Some of you are making a big stink about "BIG BROTHER" watching and the whole phone tapping by the government! What you should be concern with is Big God watching! You are too busy worried about man but not concerned about what God is thinking with how to please him! You are living fearful but claim to be fearless! You rely on this current world system to run your life but won't let God show you new direction! People, money, cars, riches, sex, alcohol and other material is your god! When people mention GOD, JESUS, THE LORD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, you get so uptight and your demon that is in you cringes! That is how you know there is a demonic spirit in you anything you cringe at the mentioning of God! Satan hates God and when the devil is attacking you while you are sleep, calling out the name JESUS makes the devil tremble! Warning! If you remain in that zombie state of mind, destruction will take you.
People are in such a big hurry that after you've been sitting in the turn lane in the middle of the intersection for your arrow to turn green, you have people still running the red light, car after car. Then your green arrow is gone. Many inconsiderate drivers! Just about everyone is doing the same thing. Acting crazy, driving crazy, blasting demonic music that was remixed in hell! All that they are thinking about is worldly garbage. They are in another zone what I call being in a zombie state of mind.
Let's talk about Pot or Marijuana or is it weed? Have you ever payed any attention to people smoking that stuff? Their eyes turns into the devil's eyes with that glazed reddish color. Smoke darting out of their mouth and nostrils like smoke is coming out of the pit of hell! They look totally zoned out! It's like their mind is gone. They are in a zombie state of mind!
Here we go talking about music again. I see many people out here standing on street corners or just walking period with a set of headphones on listening to music. Some where that skull candy head phones. Anyway I will watch them with observing their facial expression and body language. What I always notice is that they are totally zoned out somewhere. Their head is bouncing up and down or back and forth like they discovered a whole new me planet!
Now you have the people who just don't care about life. They don't obey all of the laws but they are very selfish people who are me lovers meaning lovers of themselves! (2 Timothy 3:2-5)
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
They have the attitude that every man is for himself and I need to get get get! They have no direction in life with no regards to rules. They jaywalk all day long but get very angry if the LAPD gives them a ticket but isn't it illegal to jaywalk in LA? Then there are some of you that illegally park but when slapped with a large ticket, you're ready to curse someone out! Really!? It's always everyone's fault but yours!
Every so often Hollywood finds some celebrity to praise. They praised Angelina Jolie for years then praised Jenifer Lopez for years. Now beyonce! They are always talking about her in what seems like every sentence. Now I just found out that Reuters University has a Beyonce class!? Are you serious? Justin Beiber! I've witness some of the longest lines wrapped all the around the Grove Mall in LA of young girls in line waiting to see J. Beave! If you just pay attention for once you will notice that the world is following the world! That is so sad to me. Even you Christian claimers are falling the world. If you want to follow the world then follow them in prayer! People are getting up on stage, on TV, YouTube or in public period acting nasty, filthy, ungodly, unholy, ripping their clothes off and women posting photos of several women 90 percent naked together while talking about how hot they look! They are not thinking about God but thinking about getting paid. Thinking about getting drunk, thinking about having sex and going out partying!
Clearly you have a ZOMBIE STATE OF MIND! Still trying to please God and the world but you're a fool if you think that is going to please God! You don't have a care in the world but to just live, party, hangout, work to make money and to have many lovers! I thank the Lord for delivering me from that zombie state of mind.
Please pay attention because Satan has you blinded! Your mind is all over the place with no clear direction or focus! You really think that you can just live like this and make it to heaven?? You think that being a good person that has never killed anyone will get you to heaven?? Do you really, really believe that????? Many of you are all over the place with your way of thinking. You support all ungodliness, and all unholiness! You support any and everything that is against God! Some of you are making a big stink about "BIG BROTHER" watching and the whole phone tapping by the government! What you should be concern with is Big God watching! You are too busy worried about man but not concerned about what God is thinking with how to please him! You are living fearful but claim to be fearless! You rely on this current world system to run your life but won't let God show you new direction! People, money, cars, riches, sex, alcohol and other material is your god! When people mention GOD, JESUS, THE LORD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, you get so uptight and your demon that is in you cringes! That is how you know there is a demonic spirit in you anything you cringe at the mentioning of God! Satan hates God and when the devil is attacking you while you are sleep, calling out the name JESUS makes the devil tremble! Warning! If you remain in that zombie state of mind, destruction will take you.
This very moment it's not too late to change. It's not too late to know Christ. What are you waiting for? Just be honest with yourself and truthful with God with confessing your sins and he will deliver you. If you want to be saved then confess Romans 10:9